
¥价格面议 浏览次数:1374
  • 产品规格:全系列型号
  • 发货地:上海市徐汇区徐家汇街道


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Process Control and Distributed I/O Networks

Eliminate expensive point-to-point wires by sending just a few—or thousands of—process monitoring and control signals between the field and control room on one digital communication link.

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I/P and P/I Converters

Convert a current signal to a pneumatic signal so a DCS, PLC, or PC can control a valve or actuator; or convert pneumatic signals to current signals so remote pneumatic devices can interface with electronic instruments and computer-based monitoring systems.

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AC Power Transducers and Monitors

Schedule maintenance, identify inefficiencies, cut energy use, and prevent expensive damage to a load device like a motor, pump, heater, or mixer by accurately monitoring AC power use and trends. 

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Indicators and Displays

Take a process input signal from a temperature, pressure, level, or flow transmitter loop and view real-time process status in rugged and hazardous field environments.

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Instrument Enclosure Systems

Our versatile and economical instrument enclosure systems are your solution for safely mounting electronic instruments in the field. Featuring standard dimensions and mounting configurations, they are designed for use with our instruments, as well as protection of other manufacturers' equipment.

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NEW! Custom Enclosure Solutions


Complementary Products and Accessories

We offer a wide range of other interface solutions that will help you meet your signal interface goals: 

  • Frequency and Pulse Converters
  • Instrument Surge Suppressors
  • Instrument Power Supplies
  • Integrators, Totalizers, and Counters
  • Linearizers and Characterizers
  • Enclosures, Racks, and Rails


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