AR200-50传感器, AR200-50激光传感器,AR200-50激光测量传感器总代理-

¥价格面议 浏览次数:1526
  • 产品规格:AR200-50
  • 发货地:上海市徐汇区徐家汇街道

上海盈沣元器件有限公司专业代理销售AR200-50传感器, AR200-50激光传感器,AR200-50激光测量传感器

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The AR200 group of laser measurement sensors is Acuity's most compact series of triangulating laser displacement sensors. Four models cover metric measurement ranges from six to fifty millimeters.

These laser measuring devices aim a Class 2 visible laser spot onto your target to accurately gauge its distance. Designed to withstand difficult industrial environments, the AR200 laser sensors are commonly used in forest products, medical and high tech industries.

Although the AR200 laser measuring tools use metric nomenclature, the spans are in fact quarter, half, one, two and four inches for the -6, -12, -25, -50 and -100 models, respectively.  All models boast a 0.03% resolution across their entire measurement span.

All models are standard with Analog, Limit Switch and Serial outputs. The AR200 sensor is the only sensor of its kind to feature push-button selection of these output signals. Additionally, these laser sensors can be programmed using serial commands through a PC computer.

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