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Pro-Line Tilt Switch and 
Control Unit

The Pro-Line tilt switch is actuated when material rises to tilt the probe 15 degrees or more from its vertical posi-tion. The mercury switch is precisely positioned so that, regardless of direc-tion of tilt, the normally-closed contacts are caused to open. The switches are encapsulated in various sizes to suit the application.

The Model 20-43 control unit is housed in a NEMA 4X box with green (“Normal”) and red (“Alarm”) indicating lights inside a clear front enclosure. A 0-10 second adjustable time delay circuit in the control unit prevents momentary tilting of the switch from causing a false or premature contact transfer. An internal jump wire permits selection of “Normal” condition either with the tilt switch vertical or tilted. Two normally-open and two normally-closed output contacts are available for con-nection to external alarms and/or con-trols. Interruption of line power causes a relay transfer.

Belt Misalignment Switch
belt misalignment switches

For protection of Belt Conveyor and Personnel. Belt misalignment switches are mounted on the top or bottom of the conveyor stringer with the actuating arm adjusted to the outside edge of belt.

If the belt skews or runs-off contacting actuating arm, displacing it from the arm's normal vertical position, one or more of the microswitches are contacted.

Safety Cable Pull Switch
safety cable pull switches

A pull cable is terminated at one end from a fixed mounting and attached at the switch end to one of the actuating armholes. Force applied to the pull cable at any position causes the actuating arm to rotate 20deg. to a tripped-locked position. This will stay locked until manually reset by the reset lever.

C-Level Strain Gauge Level System
C-Level Strain Gauge Level System

The C-Level is a non-contact, constant bin level system. It can be used with liquids, solids, corrosive or volatile materials. Sensors are mounted in the support structure of the bin and register the deflection as the weight increases and decreases. This is a 2% device.

The BOB II Inventory Measurement System
BOB II Inventory Measurement System

The "BOB" not only measures up but it also measures down. The remote sensor quickly lowers a weighted bob (2ft/sec) to the surface of the product. As the bob descends, a micro-controller counts pulses from an encoder and determines the amount of cable released. Slack in the cable is detected when the bob reaches the product, causing the motor to reverse and retract the bob. The retract distance is also measured and compared for diagnostic purposes to assure that the measurement was accurate

CAP Series Capacitance Level Control
CAP Series Capacitance Level Control


The "CAP" Series Capacitance level control is designed for point level monitoring of solids, fluids or slurries in bins, vessels and chutes. The CAP control detects the presence or absence of material by sensing a change in capacitance caused by the difference in dielectric constant of the vessel material and air.

RT Rotary Level Control
RT Rotary Level Control

The RT Series rotary level control is designed for point level monitoring of solids in bin, vessels and chutes. The RT eliminates the most common causes of rotary control failure. The de-energizing motor shuts off when material is present, rather then entering a stalled condition. This reduces wear and operating temperature and extends motor life.

Ramsey Microwave Plugged Chute Detector
Ramsey microwave plugged chute detector

This totally non-contacting detector provides high and low point level detection and can see through non-metallic wall build-up to detect the presence or absence of any material. It can be used in pressurized coal down corners; electrostatic precipitator hoppers; fly ash, clinker and coal transfer chutes; and other industrial applications. By sensing the conditions in chutes, it alerts the user of any problems or disruptions in the process. The Ramsey Microwave Plugged Chute Detector is a safe and environment-friendly replacement for nucleonic switches and is not restricted by OSHA or FCC regulations.



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