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TMS-5041 | Sparks Instruments

TMS-50414 Channel Online Partial Discharge Monitoring System

The TMS-5041 is a four channel partial discharge trending system with a true color LCD displayshowing all the necessary information for the surveillance of a high voltage equipments.
The noise gating channel and variable LP Filter allows to separate noise from the pdsignals. 

TMS-5141 | Sparks Instruments


The TMS-5141 is a four channel partial discharge trending system with a true color LCD display
Showing all the necessary information for the commissioning and surveillance of high voltage equipment.

The noise gating channel and variable LP Filter allows to separate noise from the pd signals. 

TMS-6141 | Sparks Instruments

TMS-61414 Channel Portable OnlinePartial Discharge Analyzer

The TMS-6141 is a four channel portable partial discharge analyzer with a true color LCD display showing all the necessary information for the analysis of high voltage equipments.

The noise gating channel and variable LP Filter allows to separate noise from the pd signals. 

TMS-8141 | Sparks Instruments

TMS-8141 5 Channel Portable Online Partial Discharge Analyzer for Power Transformers

The TMS-8141 is a four channel portable partial discharge analyzer with a true color LCD display showing all the necessary information for the analysis of Power Transformers.
The 5th Channel is used as a noise gating channel and has variable Filters allowing to separate noise from the pd signals.

TMS-9704 | Sparks Instruments

TMS-97044 Channel Power and Amplification Module for Accoustic Emmission Sensors
Active Preamp Accoustic Emission Sensors requires a phantom power circuit for powering the circuit. The TMS-9704 Power and Amplification module combines a phantom power circuit and signal amplification for up to four Accoustic Emission sensors.

Accoustic Emission Sensor | Sparks Instruments

Accoustic Emission Sensor


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