
¥价格面议 浏览次数:1124
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  • 发货地:上海市徐汇区徐家汇街道


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Butterfly Valves

Butterfly Valves

High performance, resilient seated, double-eccentric, triple offset and special purpose butterfly valves.

Many years of valve experience have been incorporated into the design and production of Stockham butterfly valves. The simplicity of design, ease of installation and low installed cost are just some of the reasons for such wide acceptance of these valves. The same quality that is built into all Stockham valves ensures the user that Stockham butterfly valves will continue to be proven performers.

Stockham Ball Valve

Ball Valves

Stockham offers soft seated ball valves for positive shut off and simple, quarter-turn operation. Process one-piece, two-piece and three-piece, metal seated, soft seated and compact ball valves.

Stockham ball valves have gained wide acceptance in industrial and commercial construction segments. Accurate machining and strict testing procedures ensure each user that quality is built into every valve. Stockham ball valves are specified for service in chemical plants, petroleum refineries, pulp and paper mills, and in commercial and industrial construction projects.

Stockham Globe and Angle

Globe and Angle Valves

Stockham bronze, cast iron, and cast steel globe and angle valves have a long history of quality service in a wide variety of industries. Stockham bronze valves are proven performers in commercial and industrial facilities internationally.

Cast carbon steel globe valves are ideal for throttling service. Globe valves are highly efficient for services requiring frequent operation and throttling when pressure drop across the valve is about 20% of inlet pressure. Their flow characteristics permit accurate and repeatable flow control.

Stockham iron body valves are proven performers in mechanical systems of commercial buildings throughout America.

The broadness and unsurpassed quality of the Stockham line appeal to consulting engineers, mechanical contractors, and industrial users alike.


Cast Steel Gate Valve

Gate Valves

Bronze, cast iron, and cast steel gate valves.

Stockham offers bronze, multi-turn valves with a variety of options and design features including ASTM B-61 and B-62 materials in a variety of configurations with trim materials, end connections available both threaded and soldered, gate valves in both rising and non-rising stem designs.

Cast carbon steel gate valves from Stockham serve as efficient stop valves with flow in either direction.

Cast iron, multi-turn valves are offered under the Stockham brand with a variety of options and design features, including ASTM A-126 Grade B materials standard with bronze trim.

Stockham Crane Check Valves  

Check Valves

Dual-plate check, full body swing check, and steam stop check valves.

In almost every piping system, there is a need for backflow prevention. Most piping systems utilize pumps or compressors to generate needed pressure for movement of line fluids or gases. When rotating equipment stops, flow reversal or backflow occurs. Check valves are used to stop backflow and protect rotating equipment or other mechanical devices from the sudden backflow surges that may occur.



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